Tuesday, October 30, 2007

‘Any and All Dogs,’ what a blast!

The Any & All Dog Show sponsored by the Tryon Riding & Hunt Club was a big hit this year. There were so many dogs and their humans there that it was difficult to even see what was going on!
I think it helped that we all were blessed before the show by Father Doty. I really should have gone and gotten a private blessing afterward but in the mayhem, I dropped it out... trust me, Father... it was not intentional!
I did take a ribbon though – a BLUE ribbon in the child's class for Most Interesting Tail! Imagine that! The Tryon Daily Bulletin actually got it a little wrong (just this once guys, really!) as they said I was owned by Brock Mayer and the truth is, he is my nephew... and I am pretty sure that I own him.
There were quite a few "interesting tails" for me to check out, and Brock is quite obedient, so we went wherever I pleased... I really enjoyed this while it lasted. Brock followed me right through the judges' tent, which probably did not hurt our chances at a ribbon. Our win made his day, which made me very happy.
The only other class I entered was the Best Costume Class and as most of you know, I am not terribly fond of being dressed up. My humans placed a black wig, a witch's hat, and a black feather boa on me. I could shake the hat off very quickly, but the boa was tricky... when I finally pawed at the boa and got it off, just in case no one got the picture, I lifted my leg on it. Think they got it this time?
There were so many nice dogs and nice folks there, and the weather was almost perfect although it could have been a bit cooler. It was just a nice relaxing day for us to have fun and enjoy our humans...
I would like to personally invite EVERYONE to the Open House this Saturday, Nov. 3 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Foothills Shelter on Little Mountain Road. Just think... FREE hotdogs (probably just for humans though) and FREE cake, FREE pony rides, a FREE goody bag for each family from Little Mountain Feed Store -- and that's not all! From noon until 2 p.m., SANTA will be there, ready to pose with your pet for photos! Music will be provided courtesy of Dana Bergman who, along with his dog Barney, is a personal friend of mine. It will be a lot of fun, and for a good cause -- to show support for our terrific shelter!
The staff and volunteers are rightfully proud of the shelter -- how it looks, the way it is run, and the kindness and care given to the animals there. Many times folks who visit say that it looks more like an upscale boarding facility than a shelter! I have seen animals actually come to the shelter of their own accord... and sad but true, for some animals, it is the best "home" they will ever know!
So please drop by between 11 and 3 on Saturday and see this fine shelter, and what a difference these wonderful humans make for the homeless animals in Polk County! I'll be there listening to the music and eyeing Santa's sleigh (don't ask), so make sure to come over and say hello.
See you Saturday! Woof!

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